Model. Not actual patient.
The truBody method combines two award-winning technologies to deliver a customised, convenient and complete solution that addresses today’s in-demand treatments — fat reduction with truSculpt and muscle toning with truFlex.1-3

truSculpt is a non-invasive treatment that delivers monopolar radiofrequency (RF) technology to target unwanted fat on the abdomen and flanks.1

2 MHz monopolar RF
Proprietary, low-frequency uniform delivery penetrates deep to treat the subcutaneous fat layer.1

Real-time temperature control
RF energy is continuously monitored and adjusted, keeping the skin comfortably heated to 43-45°C, while the subcutaneous fat continues to heat, reaching therapeutic temperatures of ~46-48°C.1

After a single 15-minute treatment
Damaged fat cells are slowly broken down and eliminated from the treated area through the lymphatic system over a
12-week period.4
- One treatment is recommended for most patients*
- truControl technology automates consistent
energy delivery for predictable outcomes1
- Treat multiple areas simultaneously1
- No downtime1,5
- 15-minute treatments1
*Results may vary.
of patients said they were satisfied with the procedure6
Mechanism of action
Mechanism of action
- RF energy penetrates into the subcutaneous fat layer at a precise and controlled temperature1
- Apoptosis of fat cells is initiated4
- RF energy penetrates into the subcutaneous fat layer at a precise and controlled temperature1
- Apoptosis of fat cells is initiated4
Unmistakable results.
Patients typically start seeing results 6-8 weeks after a treatment.
Optimal results seen after 12 weeks.5,7

truFlex is a customisable muscle stimulation device featuring multidirectional stimulation (MDS) technology to strengthen, tone and define muscles on the abdomen, obliques, glutes and thighs.2 This device mimics 5 different workouts, delivering muscle contractions equivalent to 54,000 crunches.8,9

Mode 1: Prep – Creates a twisting motion to warm up, stretch the muscles and slowly build a tolerance to muscle contractions.2

Mode 2: Tone – Contracts the muscles, holds them to the point of exhaustion, and then allows the muscles to relax, increasing strength and enhancing endurance.2

Mode 3: Sculpt – Increases muscle mass by using fast, deep, sequential contractions of the muscles.2
- 15- and 45-minute treatment options2
- Treat 8 areas simultaneously with 16 hands-free handpieces2
- No downtime2,10
- Three unique modes to overcome plateaus (Prep, Tone, Sculpt)2
- Four to six treatments recommended for most patients
of patients had satisfactory results eight weeks post-treatment11
Mechanism of action
Mechanism of action
- truFlex stimulates muscle tissue with currents of direct bioelectric energy in various directions creating muscle confusion12
- Clinical studies have shown up to a 30% increase in muscle mass13
- truFlex stimulates muscle tissue with currents of direct bioelectric energy in various directions creating muscle confusion12
- Clinical studies have shown up to a 30% increase in muscle mass13
Visible results.
Optimal results seen after a series of 4-6 treatments10,13
Redefining results
Tap into the
truBody potential
growth in body sculpting demand over the last 8 years14
1 million
body sculpting procedures performed in 201914
increase in nonsurgical fat reduction treatments in just one year (2020 to 2021)3
increase in muscle tightening/toning treatments (2020 to 2021)3
Are you ready to take YOUR patients beyond their best?
Become a truBody provider today.
Fill out the form and a truBody representative will contact you shortly.
* Required Fields
TRUSCULPT/TRUFLEX: Please review the operator’s manual and treatment guidelines for the contraindications, precautions, warnings, side effects and possible adverse events associated with the truSculpt/truFlex treatment. Results and experience may vary.
1. truSculpt Clinical Guidelines, Cutera, Inc. 2. truFlex Clinical Guidelines, Cutera, Inc. 3. The Aesthetic Society. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery National Databank Statistics 2020-2021. Available from https://cdn.theaestheticsociety.org/media/statistics/2021-TheAestheticSocietyStatistics.pdf. Accessed Nov. 4, 2022. 4. Napekoski KM, Ronan SJ, Pocock GM. Inflammatory and adipocyte cell death response following a single 15-minute monopolar radiofrequency treatment [white paper]. 2018. 5. Jesitus J. truSculpt iD Creates Customized Treatments. The Aesthetic Guide. [white paper, Cutera Inc.]. September/October 2018. 6. truSculpt iD Patient Satisfaction Survey, CRC, Cutera, Inc. 2018. 7. Somenek MT, Ronan SJ, Pittman TA. Lasers Surg Med. 2021;53(3):337-343. 8. Data on File. Cutera, Inc. 9. Nye R, Hoffmeister A. The process of muscle hypertrophy utilizing a novel bio-electrical muscle stimulation device [white paper, Cutera Inc.]. 1/2020. 10. Papp CJ. Advancement in total body sculpting solutions with truBody. Available from: https://www.theaestheticguide.com/body-contouring/advancement-total-body-sculpting-solutions-trubody. Accessed on Jun. 8, 2022. 11. Spring LK, et al. Dermatol Surg. 2022;48(3):334-338. 12. Wilson KA. Non-invasive bio-electrical stimulation tones muscle in the clinical setting. Available from: https://www.theaestheticguide.com/non-invasive-bio-electrical-stimulation-tones-muscle-clinical-setting. Accessed on Jun. 8, 2022. 13. Ronan SJ. A Novel Bio-Electric Current Stimulation Device For Improvement Of Muscle Tone [white paper, Cutera Inc.]. 7/2019. 14. American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. Total procedures in 2019. Available from https://www.asds.net/Portals/0/PDF/procedures-survey-results-infographic-2019.pdf?ver=DbHY7gNS3zVWV0T6IrgHcg%3d%3d. Accessed Nov. 8, 2022.